Tuesday, August 4, 2015


When I was younger adoption was something that always intrigued me. I never knew much about it, but I always said that instead of having biological children, I would adopt children from Vietnam. I don't know why Vietnam specifically; I had a weird (still do) fascination with the Vietnam War and I am thinking that is why. 

Either way, I always knew that was what I wanted. I did not specifically like children, but I knew they were in my future in some fashion, and that was what I would do.

Things change, plans change and maybe life gets in the way of those plans. I got married very young and had two children biologically and I did not give adoption much thought over the years. I never thought it could be in our cards we were dealt. My children's biological Father put a lot of strain on us in various ways (different post, different day) and it just never came up. 

I'm a big believer that the Lord steers us down a path that doesn't always make sense. It can be messy, confusing and darn near impossible to see at times, but it will all work out the way it is meant to. 

Fast Forward down the road a little bit and here we are... Myself, wonderful husband, Joe and two beautiful children, and our huge bear dog, Cooper. We are adopting a beautiful and intelligent little boy from Eastern Europe.

I guess what I am trying to say is... you won't always see the light, but it is there. Always keep your Faith. 

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